Acupuncture for labor support

Acupuncture for labor support

Many times we get mamas-to-be who come in at 39....40....41+ weeks because they are approaching an induction date and want desperately to avoid a medical induction.  Acupuncture is often mentioned as something that can help speed things along - and I've seen it to be quite effective (within 24 hours of treatment even!!!!). 

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Moxibustion for breech baby

Moxibustion for breech baby

In fact, acupuncture (well actually moxibustion) to turn a breech baby is quite successful!  This is best done between weeks 32-37 when the baby is still small and mobile enough to move easily within the womb. One study in the UK found that women who did moxibustion were 2x more likely to turn their breech babies than those who did not do moxibustion. 

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