Summer: water, sunscreen, and more...

by Serena Ma, ND, MS, LAc

This year, summer officially starts on June 21st (Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere), when the earth tilts maximally towards the sun.  But we, Americans, have marked summer as the time period flanked by two US holidays -- Memorial Day and Labor Day.

This past Tuesday, a group of girls and I threw a "Spring in Summer: Get Beach Ready" event.  It's the season to put on that swimsuit and to (gasp) wear it in public.  It's the season when most of us want to spend as much time as possible outdoors.  It's the season I still relate to (school) vacation and leisure.  It's the season that passes too quickly.

As we head into Memorial Day weekend, I'd like to share 5 tips for a healthy summer:

  1. Drink water.  This advice is good year-round but especially during the summer months, when the temperature is warmer and we sweat more.  One of my professors said this: "Drink half your body weight in oz + 8 oz for 30 min of exercise or each vice (coffee, alcohol)."  That means if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz + 8 oz if you exercise for 30 min + another 8 oz, if you have 1 beer.  If you sweat a lot, it's a good idea to replace with electrolytes.  I use a product by Designs for Health called "Electrolyte Synergy", but you can find other electrolyte replacement packs at the health food store.  A natural and delicious source of electrolytes is coconut water.

  2. Wear sunscreen.  The Environmental Working Group (EWG) just published EWG's Skin Deep Sunscreens 2011.  I love the sun, but the UV rays causes free radical damage (skin damage), which speeds up the aging process, as well as the possibility of cancer!  So why put on sunscreen that has other carcinogenic chemicals or hormone disruptors?  That makes absolutely NO sense.  The safest sunscreens this year are from brands, such as (just a sampling): 1) Aubrey Organics, 2) Badger, 3) California Baby, 4) Kiss My Face.  I'm pleased to say that there are quite a few safe sunscreens on the market now.  Check this list out: Best Beach & Sport Sunscreens.  AVOID THESE from the 2011 Hall of Shame.  It's disappointing that many baby sunscreens made this the Hall of Shame (Hawaiian Tropic, Coppertone, Aveeno).  Yup, not so safe for baby!

  3. Load up on seasonal fruit and vegetables.  Speaking of free radical damage, make sure your diet is high in antioxidants, which fight free radical damage.  Some antioxidants are made by the body, but many come from the food or supplements we consume.  The antioxidants are: vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, selenium, zinc, and some amino acids.  Good food sources are the colorful fruits and vegetables and green tea.  A great idea is to make green tea iced tea and drinks LOTS everyday.  (Did you know? Oysters are high in zinc.  Great news for me, because I love oysters.)

  4. Stay active.  Yes, you might need to prance around half-naked at the beach or pool party.  Skip the subway or cab-ride, walk or ride your bike instead.  In NYC, we're so fortunate with all the new bike lanes, which make this safer (remember your helmet).  Take the stairs, instead of the elevator, even if you live on the 8th floor.  Just keep reminding yourself that you have to wear that bikini or those swimming trunks soon.

  5. Get enough sleep.  The days are longer and you want to stay for that extra glass of wine at dinner, but not being well-rested will catch up with you.  Deep sleep promotes growth hormone (GH) production.  GH increases the breakdown of fat, stimulates the brain, boosts the immune system, and increases muscle mass.  You'll look and feel better when you get enough sleep.  Personally I've become a morning person since I've moved to NYC.  Partly because my boyfriend is a morning-person, but largely because it's the only time in NYC when it's peaceful.  Ahhh, the perfect time for quiet and meditation.  In the mornings, I'm able to plan my day so that I remain calm and focused throughout the day.

May you have a happy and healthy summer!!


The beauty of gray? Not yet (please)


Give up gluten?